I work on problems concerning computation. My thesis work at Cornell University, supervised by Dexter Kozen, focuses primarily on the field of formal languages and in particular, the study of a class of computational models utilizing both nondeterminism and probability. More broadly, I'm interested in theoretical computer science, especially problems involving logic. My work draws from various fields of math and theoretical computer science, including logic, probability, category theory, algorithms, algebra, and graph theory, which end up coming together in surprising and beautiful ways. In the past, I have also worked on problems in game theory and audio processing.
- Ong, S., Ma, S., & Kozen, D. (2024). Equivalences for Probabilistic Multiset Automata. In preparation
- Ong, S., Ma, S., & Kozen, D. (2024). Probability and Angelic Nondeterminism with Multiset Semantics. arXiv preprint [arXiv]